Lying straight leg lateral raise-hip abductor muscle training method (1)

Lying Hip Abduction, also known as lying straight leg lateral raise, is simple and easy to do and can be done at home.

Target exercise areas: Hip abductors (gluteus medius, gluteus medius, Small muscles, etc.)

Action essentials:

1. First, sideways Lie on a mat, keeping your body like a wall and place your hands under your head to ensure stability.

2. While keeping your body still, open the upper leg. Open the leg as high as possible and then pause for a moment. Exhale slowly when you separate, and inhale when you return. The movement speed should be slow. Feel the contraction of your gluteal muscles. Repeat this movement 25 times in one set, then switch to the other side.


1. Yes Increase the load of abduction by using elastic ropes and dumbbells

2. Other similar movements: