Sitting horizontal leg kick-quadriceps exercise method (9)

Friends who are just starting to practice leg exercises must pay attention to the stability of the knee joint and the feeling after loading weight. Only after the strength of the knee joint improves can you perform high-intensity squats and leg press exercises. Therefore, in the early stage of leg training, it is more suitable to choose the safer and more reliable seated leg press.

Seated horizontal leg kicks target exercise areas: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus Muscle

(The biceps femoris does not participate in the contraction during the movement)

Action essentials:

1. After the warm-up, sit on the equipment, put your feet on the pedals, keep the distance slightly wider than the hip joints, keep your body upright, tighten your waist and abdomen, and straighten your body. Hold your chest, hands on the handle, maintain body stability, but do not exert force, keep your upper back close to the backrest, relax your neck, and your head also close to the backrest, and look straight ahead.

2. Then take a deep breath and feel the force on your thighs. The front, back and buttocks of your thighs should be strong at the same time. Exhale at the same time and push up the weight. When you reach the top, your knees should be slightly bent but not fully extended.Straight, pause for a second, then take a deep breath and bend your knees to return to the starting position.


1. Keep your knees Joints and hip joints are fully mobile. During the movement, keep your chest up and your abdomen in. Do not lean your upper body forward when exerting force. This will put a lot of pressure on your waist and easily cause waist injury.

2. When the legs are fully straightened, do not fully straighten the knees, and let the muscles bear most of the force, otherwise it is easy to cause knee injuries.

3. Exercise frequency: Practice 12-15 times in each group. The last movement can reach 80% intensity. Practice 4-6 groups each time. If intermediate or advanced trainers perform compensation training again after squatting, they can do 10 times in each group, reaching complete failure when doing the last one. Do 3-4 sets of each exercise.

4. It can also be used in single-leg form: